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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Long live the Dodge Dart

The New York Times' story this morning about a lady in California who has a 1969 Dodge Dart made me smile. My grandfather in Warrenton, known to many Warrenton Watch readers as "Mr. James" Langford, had a blue one that he drove through much of the 1980s. On the trunk lid he stenciled the phrase "I am not a dirty old man, just a sexy senior citizen." He died 13 years ago this last Christmas, but I still think about him every day.

1 comment:

  1. I too often think of Papa James. I was proud to be one of his many friends.
    I remember that a bird built a nest inside of his firemans hat and he would not move that hat and disturb the bird. If he went to a fire, he would get one off the truck.
    Also saw the pictures of papa james. Really liked the one of him driving the 40 ford fire truck.
    Take care
